Welcome to my Sports Pez page. Here you will find all of the sports Pez I currently have for sale both Foreign and USA released. All of the dispensers listed on this page are mint, are loose and have FEET unless specified differently. If the dispenser is listed MOC or MIP, it can be purchased either loose or MOC/MIP as listed.

To place an order, please e-mail me: for availability and a shipping/insurance price. I do accept checks and Paypal as payment.

Some items are in limited quantities. Please ask if you are looking for a pez item that you do not see listed. Good luck finding what you want!!! Remember, spend with your head, and not your emotions! Thank You for visiting.

These images are the property of JOHNS CANDY DISPENSERS and are not to be copied or reproduced without permission. Thank You.

You are Pezhead visitor # since August 21, 2018 to have visited my Sports Pez Page.

MIP: Mint In Package
MOC: Mint On Card
Tube: Mint in Tube

Page last updated: April 6, 2019

Go back to jjpezpal's  HOME  Page for ordering information.

Brigham Young #2 Football

Brigham Young #2 Football (MOC)
Chelsea UK Soccer

Chelsea UK Soccer Ball ( MOC )
Chicago Charlie Brown

Chicago Charlie Brown Home
Connectitcut Sun Basketball

Connectitcut Sun Basketball (MIP)
Football (Gold)

Football (Gold)
Hawaii Football

Hawaii Football ( MOC )
Hockey Masks

Hockey Masks (Set of 2)
Hockey Masks Team

Hockey Masks Team (Set of 6)
Hockey Masks Team

Hockey Masks Team Set of 6 MOC
Minnesota Twins Promotion Baseball

Minn. Twins Promotion Ball ( MIP )
Minnesota Twins Bear

Minn. Twins Bear ( MIP )
Nebraska Football

Nebraska Football ( MOC )
Philadelphia Kixx Soccer Ball

Philadelphia Kixx Soccer Ball
SC Bern Hockey

SC Bern Hockey (Set of 3)
Soccer 2014

Soccer 2014 (Set of 2 - MOC)
Soccer Young Boys

Soccer Young Boys (Set of 2 - MOC)
Stanley Cup

Stanley Cup (Set of 6)
Sweden Soccer Ball

Sweden Soccer Ball
UCONN 2014 Basketball Championships

UCONN Basketball Championships (Tube)
in Tube $15
Utah #2 Football

Utah #2 Football ( MOC )
Washington Football

Washington Football ( MOC )
Washington State Football

Washington State Football ( MOC )

PEZ is a registered trademark of PEZ Candy Inc.
Johns Candy Dispensers is not in any way affiliated with PEZ Candy Inc.